Bryan Kolstad: Boating Problems Explained

Bryan Kolstad is an experienced marine mechanic based in Maine. He’s worked as a mechanic all his life, having attended a formal training course right after completing high school. He’s grown to love the job for the opportunities it provides to work with advancing engine technology and occasionally take boats for a ride. He’s also seen it all with recreational boaters in their new vessels, and he can narrow down boating blunders to two mistakes.

Bryan Kolstad


“There’s no place for educated guesses in boating,” says Kolstad. “The depth of water isn’t something you should guess. It’s specific.”

And so are things like the speed and direction of the current. To him, a boat’s engine is running hot, or it isn’t, and you shouldn’t shouldn’t guess which way an oncoming boat intends to go.

“Guessing typically opens the door for mistakes,” he adds.


After making assumptions, keeping on the same track is one of the worst mistakes a boater can do. According to Bryan Kolstad, it’s much easier to take a pause and re-evaluate. Don’t be in a rush, because it’s better to be late than not show up at all.

Bryan Kolstad : Staying Safe While Riding Mopeds

Bryan Kolstad works as a marine mechanic. He enjoys working on boats and helping people get or keep their boats in good shape. Bryan Kolstad worked hard to become a marine mechanic and if you are planning on becoming one you should be prepared to do the same.


You will need to get the proper education if you want to have skills and knowledge needed to repair engines. You can take classes at a university or a community college. Some areas have special marine colleges or educations centers where all of the classes are focused on marine education. Make sure you do well in class and have a good understanding of the mechanic techniques being used.


If you are going to work as a marine mechanic, you need to become certified. When you are certified, you can work for a company or even start your own business. It some locations you must be certified in order to work as a marine mechanic. To become certified, you have to take the certification exam and pass it. Once you pass a certificate will be sent to you.


Before you start working as a marine mechanic is it important to get some experience. You can do this by shadowing another, more experienced mechanic or by completing an internship. You can also start working in a marine mechanic shop at an entry level. Even working in the office would give you an idea of what to expect when it comes time to work as a mechanic.

Open A Shop

If you become a mechanic, you have the ability to open your own shop. Not everyone wants to own their own shop and some are happy working for someone else. If you do plan on opening a shop of your own, you will need to find a good location. A place on the water is ideal. You will also need to get a business license and the equipment and tools you need to make repairs.

Build A Reputation

You want people to know that you are a good marine mechanic and you need to do good work and provide good customer service to boost your reputation. Make sure you advertise and ask customers to tell others about your services. If there are other marine mechanics in your area, you need to offer something the others don’t

If you enjoy boats and want to become a marine mechanic, there are certain things you need to do. Bryan Kolstad put in a lot of time and effort to learn the skills he needed to become a successful marine mechanic. If you want to be just as successful in the same career field, make sure keep the above information in mind.

Bryan Kolstad : Tips For Learning To Play The Tuba

Bryan Kolstad has always enjoyed music and likes to play the tuba. The tuba is a large instrument that takes a lot of practice to master. If you want to play the tuba these tips can help you learn to do so quickly. If you already know the basics of playing the tuba, use these tips to improve.

Bryan Kolstad

Get The Right Size

It is important to get a tube that is the right size for you. You need to be able to hold your tuba comfortably and also carry it around. Most people only think of the size of the tuba when they are in marching band but even if you are not going to be marching with it, you will still need to hold, transport and store it. Make sure you choose a manageable size.

Train Your Body

Playing an instrument is more demanding than most people realize and you need to train your body for it. Get used to playing it while sitting and standing. If you are going to be in marching band, you will need to get used to holding it for long periods of time and also marching with it. You will also need to get used to playing in the heat.

Practice Regularly

You will need to practice often if you want to master the tube. This doesn’t necessarily mean you need to practice every day, but it should be regularly. Make a schedule for yourself and stick to it. When you have a plan to practice you are more likely to do so.

Record Yourself

You may think you sound good while playing, but the only way to really hear yourself is to record it. Use a recorder and play it back over and over again to see if you messed up. If you do hear something that doesn’t sound right, try to fix it. Many musicians record themselves to hear what they really sound like.

Take Lessons

If you really want to master the tuba you can take lessons. Even if you have been playing for a while, you may still benefit from taking lessons. You can find someone who is willing to help you online or even at your local music supply store. Don’t be afraid to ask your band or music teacher if they can give you some extra lessons or help on weekend or after school.

It is always fun to learn a new instrument and the tuba is very unique and interesting to play. Bryan Kolstad learned how to play the tuba as a young man and never stopped loving it. The above tips can help you become a great tuba player as well.

Bryan Kolstad – Simple Boat Maintenance Tips to Keep Your Boat in Great Condition

Bryan Kolstad is a marine mechanic who has been working in the community of Portland, Maine for many years. He is dedicated to the services he provides his customers, and they trust him due to his extensive knowledge in the field. Here are some simple boat maintenance tips to keep your boat in great condition for the future.

Bryan Kolstad

Don’t forget to wash your boats. This is especially necessary if you’re returning from a saltwater boating trip because you don’t want the paint or finish to corrode. Even if you’ve been on a fresh water trip, you’ll want to wash the boat with soap and clean water in order to keep things for rusting or drying out due to dirt and other contaminants. Using a soft bristle brush will help you get a deeper clean.

Just like in a car, you need to change the oil in your boat after so many miles. The frequency with which you need to change your boat’s oil will depend on the make or model, but it is an important responsibility to keep up with. If you don’t want to take your boat to a dealer, you can learn how to change the oil yourself through online videos or other useful resources.

Check and clean the propeller as well. Debris can often get caught in the propeller and force the engine to work harder than it needs to. Regularly check the propeller so you can free it of fishing line, seaweed, or anything of that nature.

Bryan Kolstad understands how to keep boats running smoothly for the long-term future for all of his clients.


Bryan Kolstad – Some Easy Clay Sculpting Projects for Beginners

Bryan Kolstad is currently serving as a marine mechanic in Portland, Maine, and he has been working in the community for many years. He enjoys boating, and being able to maintain the boats of other enthusiasts as well. In addition to his work, he is also an amateur clay sculptor who enjoys working on simple projects. Here are some easy projects to start with.

Create what’s called a pinch pot. These are both pots and bowls that are a great project to start with for beginners. They get their name from the style used to create them, which means the sculptor pinches the clay in order to form the desired shape. They only take a few easy steps to finish, and you can get as creative as you want regarding the outside; add some designs and textures as you get more comfortable.

Candle votives are also a great project for beginners because it really only consists of two steps. First you create the base, and then you create four sides that will ultimately hold the candle. Simply attach them together when you’re finished while the clay is still soft and malleable. These can also become more intricate as you get better with practice.

Coil pots, bowls, or even cups can be other great project for beginners to practice. This involves creating long, somewhat thin rope shaped clay pieces that are then layered in order to create the shape you want. There is an endless amount of final shapes you can create using this method.

Bryan Kolstad enjoys spending time with clay and sculpting projects, and he continues to improve.

Bryan Kolstad – Why You Should Learn to Golf

Bryan Kolstad is a native of Maine who has many outdoor hobbies. One of his favorite things to do in the spring and summer is to go golfing. There are many stunning golf courses is Maine, so there is always plenty of new challenges for him to try out. Many people underestimate the positive benefits that golfing can have. It’s a sport that anyone can really enjoy. Here’s why everyone should learn to golf.

-It’s a fun social activity. Many people take potential business partners to golf when trying to butter them up, and it’s easy to see why. The lighthearted competition of golf provides something to chat about, and the slower pace of the game means you will have plenty of time for conversation.

-Additionally, it can be a great way to meet new people. Many people meet good friends at their local country clubs while playing golf.

-Golf is a great way to spend time outside. It is important for everyone to be exposed to fresh air and sunlight to stay healthy, and golf is a great way to fit that extra Vitamin D into your routine. Many golf courses are also located in extremely beautiful places.

-Golf provides great mild exercise that won’t feel like a huge challenge. Since you are standing and potentially walking from green to green, you’ll burn lots of calories throughout the course of a game.

Bryan Kolstad loves to play golf in his free time.

Bryan Kolstad – How to Flush Your Outboard Motor

Bryan Kolstad has been a marine mechanic for over twenty years. He has built a successful career for himself in Portland, Maine and has been providing reliable and efficient marine repair and service to boat owners. Bryan Kolstad has worked on virtually all types of boat engines and shares a few tips on how to flush your outboard motor.

Flush the Engine

Whether you go on a salt water or fresh water boat outing, you will need to flush your outboard engine when you get back. If you have an older motor, you will need to get a set of flushing earmuffs, which are two flexible rubber seals that are attached to a metal clamp. Attach one side to a garden hose and the other one can be used to plug the water intake. Attach the garden hose to the earmuffs and turn the water on. If your outboard motor is a new model, you will have mounts, and will not need to use the earmuffs. Start the engine and let the water flush the system. You will need to stay clear of the prop and make sure the motor is not in gear.

Water Flow

When you open the tap and start flushing the motor, check the pump to ensure it has good water flow. When you put your finger through the stream of water coming out of the motor, it should be warm and not hot. If the output is not strong, check the outflow tube for any debris that may be preventing the flow of water. If there is debris, shut off the engine and use a small piece of wire to remove the debris from the tube and restart the engine again to flush it properly. Bryan Kolstad has been helping boat owners keep their engines in good condition for several years.



Bryan Kolstad – Jack Of All Trades

Bryan Kolstad is a Maine-based marine mechanic with a very wide variety of hobbies. During the day, he works on boats, fixing problems, restoring old vessels, and keeping newer ones properly maintained. But in his spare time, he enjoys partaking in many different activities. One of his most favorite hobbies is playing the tuba. Bryan Kolstad has always had a passion for music, and even prefers to work with it playing in the background. He took up the tuba when he was in middle school, and found that he had a natural talent for it. Bryan Kolstad continues to play to challenge himself physically and mentally, and also to tackle new and exciting pieces of music that he enjoys.

Bryan Kolstad also enjoys spending time outside. He loves to play golf on the weekends, and has visited many of New England’s best golf courses. He enjoys golf not only as a sport, but also as a social activity, and loves playing games to spend time with his close friends. Bryan Kolstad also owns a moped, and enjoys spending time outside riding it through the streets of Portland, which are ideally sized for a small vehicle like a moped. He also visits an archery range on most weekends, where he has been practicing his shooting. Bryan Kolstad recently invested in his own bow and arrow, and is excited to continue practicing this unique sport.

Finally, Bryan Kolstad is very creative, and has a passion for clay sculpting and molding. He took a pottery class several years ago, and since then has created several pieces for his home. He is currently expanding into more abstract sculptures, and loves spending time at a local art studio.

Bryan Kolstad – How to Start Archery

Bryan Kolstad has many hobbies and interests outside of his work as a marine mechanic, and one of his favorites is archery. He first took an archery class as a young teenager, and was immediately engrossed by this challenging and exciting activity. Archers use bows to shoot arrows at targets, aiming for the center of the target. It is a popular sport around the world, and archery ranges can be found in most major cities in the United States.

If you or someone you know is interested in archery, it is easy to get started. First, find a well-rated archery club located near you. These clubs will likely offer lessons for beginners. It may help to go to the club and meet the instructors before taking your first lesson, or to observe an archery practice before participating. Once you have decided that you would definitely like to try the sport, you will need a bow and arrow. Most archery ranges will have shops where you can rent or buy the equipment that you need. They will be able to help you determine which type of bow and arrow is right for you, as well as what size you need.

There are a few different types of archery that you can participate in. Most people think of target archery when they think of the sport –shooting arrows at a bullseye target. You can also participate in field archery, which takes place on an outdoor course, usually in the woods. Bryan Kolstad has participated in both types of archery throughout his lifetime, and enjoys them both.